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Have a go!
27 January 2011

Last night's GAF talk at Woodside Halls, entitled 'Advice for new plot holders' was a helpful and well attended event.  We heard from various speakers and enjoyed a demonstration from Joyce on how to prepare and sow seeds and then care for them.

There was superb advice from Jan who removed the mysteries of composting - always a topic which draws great interest.  We also heard accounts from Paul and Sarah - plot holders at two different sites and how they had each set about designing their plots to reach their individual goals.

There was good rapport amongst the group leading to a useful question and answer session at the end and, of course, it was a good opportunity to catch up with old friends from other sites and make new friends too, swapping more handy tips.

The next talk will be at Woodside Halls on February 24th at 7PM and will discuss 'Achieving sustainable sites' which is increasing in relevance to many more people each season. 

A presentation will be made by Peter Duncan, Allotments Officer in Fife and judge of the Glasgow Allotments Forum Trophy in 2010.  The talk will include information on Permaculture and seed collecting and everyone is welcome to attend.

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