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14 December 2010

Good news for anyone new to gardening and keen to learn how to get started.  Whether you're a new plot holder, expect to take on a plot fairly soon or are just thinking about it and want to find out what's involved, this is for you.

Glasgow Allotments Forum has announced one of its popular talks on this very subject and this will be its first of the new year, giving you plenty of time to get planning ahead.

Judy from GAF says: "We are responding to requests for support from people who are new to gardening and to allotments. The talk on January 26th should be of interest to them and to the allotment association committees.  We will have a panel of people with long term practical experience of allotments. They will cover basic information about what grows in Glasgow and tips for growing it. Also. since  several sites are being regenerated and expanded and there is promise of new sites, topics like site preparation and layout will be covered.

There will be short presentations and a good opportunity for questions and discussion - we hope people with experience in the audience will also join in.

The venue is yet to be announced but do mark the date in your diary and watch this space (or check the GAF website) for further details.

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