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Preparing to be a Woman

When do you go for FFS?


Many TS women delay the start of their RLE, until they have had Facial Feminisation Surgery, in the belief that it will make them into one.


FFS will not make you look like a woman, feel like a woman or be accepted as one.


 It will help but looking like a woman comes from the inside. It is how you act and behave, your gestures, posture ,the way you talk and phrase things. How you dress is also important.


There are many natal women with deep voices, masculine features, tall, fat, thin, etc. the physical divide between male and female can be very small and can even cross but you can still recognise them as male or female.
Why is that? Confidence, attitude, being bought up male or female. These things are learnt from birth. Being a woman is so much more than just looks. We have to learn this in a very short time.
Many TS women think that hormones and the surgeons knife will do this for you. This is where GIC specialists are often lacking.


They will talk to you about being a TS and identify the condition. In most cases, they do not have the knowledge or perception to tell you how or help you to be a woman. We have to learn this very quickly.


Counselling every three months, or even longer on the NHS, is woefully inadequate, particularly in the early stages of your transitioning.
This was one of the reasons that I decided to become a stress therapist, specialising in helping TS women. I do not like blowing my own trumpet but I have successfully transitioned in a relatively short time, I am never read and have fully integrated into my local community. As Richard said to me 'one of the success cases'.


Yes, I have had Facial Feminising Surgery and a face lift, I also had a hair transplant but lived my RLE for 6 months before 'burning my bridges' and fifteen months before my facial surgery.


My advice would be to start to live full time and build your confidence and start to learn to be a woman. Do the things that are reversible if it turns out it is not right for you. Once you are certain that it is for life, then go for your FFS, as, by now you will know, or have a better idea of what you need and want.


What about your SRS? Some say that the SRS does not make any visible, external changes to you. They probably have not had their op. yet. It does. Your attitude, how you present yourself, a feeling of serenity that shows. You feel more feminine. it is hard to put exactly into words.


You will not find out, living part time or dressing behind closed doors. You have to be able to live, work and socialise and be accepted in society.


Once you achieve that, it is so worthwhile. It is so wonderful being a woman. Natural women cannot appreciate just how special and what a priviledge it is to be a woman. There is so much more out there for us.

Live it and enjoy it. It is there for the taking.

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