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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 01/05/2010.

Friday 24th July

Special Guests

  Siobhan Miller & Brian Miller

Siobhan is a young singer from a musical family, where musical tradition has surrounded her from an early age. She has this month received BA Scottish Music First Class Honours from RSAMD.


Brian is Siobhans dad and is one of Scotland's finest singers and guitarists. He has appeared with many groups including The Great Fife Road Showe, Swan Arcade, The Occasionals, The Laggan and his long time playing partner fiddler Charlie Soane


Ken MacNaughton

From Falkirk area but has lived Ullapool for many years. A fine singer with a great knowledge of traditional songs.

 Wall to Wall Fiddle

Inverness based band will play many of the great tunes that have been left to us from years of conflict.

Les Hutt (Piper)

Les is the piper with the Far sound band, he plays small pipes as well as the Scottish War Pipes.





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