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Barchester - Iddenshall Hall - Tarporley

Susan Walker comes to entertain residents at Iddenshall Hall

On Thursday 12th February 2015 we had a visit from our musical entertainer, Susan Walker and her new puppet dog Toffee.

Susan is a regular here at both Beeston View and Iddenshall Hall and has recently introduced us to Toffee her puppet dog. Toffee has become so popular with the residents that Susan has now started creating little outfits for Toffee for each special occasion. In honour of the recent Burns night celebrations Toffee was wearing a tartan outfit for this visit. Toffee walks, talks, cocks his leg and waves. He is so realistic looking that he has been mistaken for a real dog! We are going to create some outfits for Toffee with the residents over the next few months.

Susan was very entertaining as usual, she has now roped in a couple of members of staff to sing songs to her music. So both Lynne and Tom from the activities team sang for the residents and their families. Susan commented how nice it was that the staff felt comfortable enough to sing in front of everyone. The amateur singing seemed to go down well.

Once the staff singing was over and Susan resumed her entertainment using her saxophone and clarinet, we handed tambourines and maracas out to the residents so that they could join in with the music. There was a lot of singing from the residents who love to join in with the golden oldies tunes and there was even some dancing during the waltzes.

































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