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St Swithins Interior

The interior of St Swithins is both peaceful, welcoming and interesting.  These pictures were taken during the Church's successful Flower Festival fund-raising event of July 2012.

(click on the pictures to enlarge them)

* All pictures copyright 2012

Main Entrance
Main Entrance
Looking back from the main entrance, through the porch, to the front churchyard
At the Main Entrance
At the Main Entrance
Looking to the left of the Nave as you enter the Church.
Main Interior
Main Interior
Looking down the aisle from the Vestry, through the Nave towards the Chancel containing the Choir pews, Organ and Altar.
The Chancel
The Chancel
Choir pews to the left and right and the Altar
The Altar
The Altar
The Altar at Flower Festival time. This oak Altar was installed in 1910 by John Bilson of Hull.
Interior Roof
Interior Roof
The beautiful interior wooden roof of St Swithins.
Choir Window
Choir Window
The stained-glass window, situated in the Chancel behind the Choir pews to the right of the Altar, at Flower Festival time.
Across the Nave to the Vestry
Across the Nave to the Vestry
Looking across the nave to the Vestry. To the right of the Vestry door a brass jug stands on top of the font. To the far right, behind the blue curtain, is the Church's main entrance and porch.
Bell-pulls for the 14th Century Bells
Bell-pulls for the 14th Century Bells
These two bell-pulls are situated in the Vestry on the opposite wall to the 8-peal (tubular) bell-pulls.
Church Bell pulls
Church Bell pulls
The bell-pulls, situated in the Vestry, for the 8-peal tubular bells. The tuning of the bells is set in the scale of C major i.e, no 'sharps or flats' and just a pure octave - C to C. This means that some musical 'licence' has to be forthcoming for many melodies that normally require sharps and flats!
From the Vestry to the Chancel
From the Vestry to the Chancel
View from the Vestry, through the Nave, to the Chancel. Some rows of pews to the rear right of the Nave have been thoughtfully removed in recent times to accommodate wheelchair users.

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* Please note that, depending on the speed and quality of your internet connection these pictures may take a little time to download. 

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