You can find also more information, daily devotions and a link to a Sunday service on our home page.
Church services
St. Brides Church, Newtonmore - each Sunday - Morning Worship 11.30am
Laggan Church - each Sunday - Morning Worship 9.30am
Please see the home pages for up to date service times and venues
The Laggan and Newtonmore Church of Scotland is a united congregation. Dalwhinnie and Kinlochlaggan are served by the Laggan church and with a few exceptions services are held in Laggan. Services are conducted by the minister in both Laggan and Newtonmore each Sunday.
The form of service is familiar to most Reformed worshippers - Baptist, Methodist, United Free Church and so forth - but people of all creeds (and of none) are always made very welcome. This welcome is extended throughout the year to visiting worshippers from many continents and countries. We welcome people, we like to think, not just because it is Kirk Session policy, but because that is the kind of folk we are!
Look out for other occasional services or events which will be advertised locally and on the Notices page from time to time.
The welcome to visitors extends to the Lord's Supper. It is the proud claim of the Church of Scotland that the Lord's Table in their churches is open to all who love Christ. Communion is celebrated eight times a year, including monthly Communions on the first Sunday of the month, during the principal holiday season, for the benefit of visitors.
The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated at St. Brides church and Laggan church on the first Sunday of each month.
In the months of December, March, June and September, it is a formal part of Morning Worship. In the intervening months there is an 'informal' communion celebration at St Brides church after the 11.30 service.
Taking part in this simple service is open to all who love the Lord.
Please see the calendar for dates.