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The object of the charity is the provision and maintenance of a village hall for use by the inhabitants of the area of benefit without distinction of political, religious or other opinions, including use for:

(a)                meetings, lectures and classes, and

(b)               other forms of recreation and leisure-time occupation,

with the object of improving the conditions of life for the inhabitants


The Charity Trustees are the Officers and Committee Members, and meet on a regular basis throughout the year. There is provision for 12 Committee Members but presently we only have 10 Members with 2 vacancies. If you are interested in joining the committee please contact us using the Feedback form.


Because of the death of one of our holing trustees, it was decided to ask the Parish council if they would be the Holding Trustees for the Village Hall.

Sound proofing the doors between the two halls has been completed.

We received a grant of £600 from the Moon Charitable Trust which contributed to the purchase of 50 new chairs.

We had to have a new floor in the entrance hall and boiler room because of rot in the joists.

In October we had another successful night with the Houghton Weavers.

In December we had a Christmas Craft Fair.

We have had new regular users during the year with Pilates, Zumba Gold and the Alzheimer Support Group.

The hall is being used more for one off bookings such as parties and general room hire.

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