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How Jack Influenced Me to Pursue a PHD
22 June 2009

How Jack Whitehead influenced me to pursue a PHD.

I have not known Jack for long, only 6 months, and yet he has had a profound affect on my life. Before I met Jack I saw education as a series of hurdles to jump in order to get pieces of paper that would convince people that they should give me a job I would enjoy and that I would be enable me to help others. I have been fortunate enough to have always found such jobs and have been honoured to play a part to benefit many people’s lives when they have needed support. When I met Jack I was not interested in increasing the pieces of paper I had and couldn’t see why I would consider another academic course.

I was invited by Marie Huxtable to come along to Conversation Café at 8am on a Thursday morning to meet Jack and see whether I would like to do a Masters. I was reluctant both because I am not a morning person and because I had no funding or inclination to do a Masters. Marie and I had inspired one another in our conversation so I did wake up early to get to the Conversation Café. Marie had said I would like Jack and due to the way we had clicked I felt it was worth the effort to attend. It was a decision I will never regret.

In the last 6 months Jack has introduced me to Living Educational Theory. He has given me the permission to write over 40000 words towards an autobiography and influenced me to pursue a PHD which I am currently writing a proposal for. The difference for me is that I am not pursuing a PHD for the piece of paper I may receive at the end but to influence my own practice, the practice of others and the learning of the children and young people I work with. I am excited about the educational journey rather than the destination. I feel this is a very special gift that I have not received before for anything other than a moment by a few other teachers who battled to keep spaces open for me despite the systems they worked within.

Jack personifies the life affirming energy that he struggles to put into words. I have enjoyed the conversations that have taken place during Thursday mornings and Tuesday evenings with Jack and others. As he has pointed out on many occasions those that come along on those days leave more energised than when they arrived. Jack holds these spaces open and I have been privileged to be part of them.

As I now look to communicate my own living theory I am excited to follow in Jack’s footsteps. I look forward to the challenge and support Jack will provide me as I work to document my influence on my own education and those I work with. I also look forward to the continued influence Jack will have on my education that he has already revolutionised.

I look forward to Jack having as much influence as he has had in his career in his retirement!

Sonia Hutchison. 22/06/2009

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