Objects of the Association
1. To further the efficiency and well being of the Service, preserve its traditions and encourage recruiting.
2. To foster comradeship and "esprit de corps" among those who have served or are serving in Our Naval Forces.
3. To provide facilities for bringing Members together
4. To perpetuate the memory of those members of Our Naval Forces who have died in the service of their Country.
5. To Provide relief from conditions of need, hardship or distress, to persons who serve in or have served in Our Naval Forces and all dependents of such persons.
6. To Advise and assist Members in thier search for employment.
7. To advise Members and thier dependents on personal matters, such as pensions, compensation, health and social security benefits, and other subjects affecting their welfare.
8. To persue any of the above for the benefit of members or former members, and their dependents, of the Naval Forces of former members of the Commonwealth.