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06 September 2008
Message In A Bottle

A message in a bottle could save a life.  Its a simple but effective idea for elderly persons living alone and is being promoted by the Lions and Rotary Clubs all over the country.

The following is an extract from the Lions website:-
Message in a Bottle is not solely a Lions initiative, however it is an initiative that very many Lions Clubs across the country have taken to and recognise as a means of fulfilling our motto “We Serve”, often funding the scheme from their own charity accounts.
Click on the link for more details from the Lions website:-


It works like this -  the name of the occupier, next of kin,  doctor's name and the medication being taken, is written on a prepared form and put in a container (the bottle) and put in the inside door or the fridge.  A green cross with a self adhesive backing is stuck on the outside door of the fridge to indicate that the important details are on the door inside.

If the emergency services have to gain entry to attend to an unconscious person they will see from the green cross on the fridge door that the particulars are inside.

It have been reported that all pharmacies are already aware of this scheme and have a supply of bottle that they can provide free  of charge. However, plans are in hand to get posters made for a greater awareness of the scheme.

This is one of many examples of what is going to be promoted by some Neighbourhood  Watch Schemes and more details will be given in the near future.

NOTE  The scheme has been adopted by other organisations and sometimes operate under a different name, however, the principle remains the same.





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