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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 24/02/2012.

Skirting Science

March 2009



·        Attended by two hundred girls, from eleven North Somerset schools.


·        Choice of twenty interactive workshops, each based around a different STEM area.


·        Skirting Science successfully increased student’s aspiration and awareness towards STEM careers.




‘I found the experience enlightening and most informative and would happily do the workshop again.’

                        Year 9 girl talking about one of the workshops


‘Science is involved in everything and can be fun.’

Year 9 girl talking about what she had learnt




A huge effort was put into organising Skirting Science and we’re pleased to say it paid off!  The event, which was the result of a collaboration between Soroptimists International, Wyvern Community School, Weston College and the ISSP, provided a unique educational and aspiration raising event for two hundred year 9 girls, from eleven schools. The girls got to choose from twenty different workshops covering a diverse range of science careers, from paramedics to body armour. Evaluation work demonstrates that the event was a huge success with lots of positive comments from students such as: “I have enjoyed all of the activities I have done today, it was a great experience.” When asked about what she had learnt one girl commented: “Science is involved in everything and can be fun!”


The teachers were also very positive about the experience as highlighted by this teacher’s feedback: “The students greatly enjoyed it. One very turned off student came back form the paramedics glowing. It has made them realise they can work with other people.”


Wyvern Community School has kindly agreed to host next year’s event which will be taking place on Friday 30th April 2010.

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