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14 March 2013
Project Update

the nigg cross-slab in the workshop of graciela ainsworthAn end is in sight for our project to conserve and display the Nigg monument.

The Monument is expected to be back in Nigg on week beginning 25th of March following extensive conservation at the workshop of Stone Conservator Graciela Ainsworth. It will be reinstalled in Nigg Old Church in a fully renovated stone room protected by a new handrail which will contain newly commissioned interpretation. The monument will now be supported by two stainless steel columns and will no longer be attached to the rafters above. Removing this connection will allow access to the Poor Loft above for the first time.  This loft is a bit of a timecapsule shut off from the rest of the church with ancient pews with family names inscribed. Again there will be an interpretation panel explaining the history of the loft.


This has been a major project, fraught with technical difficulties which have taken time and a great deal of expertise to overcome, but Nigg Old Trust believe that all the effort will be worthwhile as this new display of a national treasure will be spectacular.


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