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Massage has been used for thousands of years, a simple rub to a sore area on a child’s or adult to 'make it better' is a form of massage. Mothers have known how to massage babies for years with the tradition being passed down through the generations.

In the Western world we often see touch as wrong, find it uncomfortable to carry out and no longer hug each other as much as we should. Babies who are starved of hugs and affection do not thrive, they are more aggressive and violent than those whom are given plenty of hugs and positive touch/love.
Baby massage is simple, free to do and it will benefit both the parents and the child.
Research in Miami has shown massage to be of great benefit in preterm babies helping them to gain weight faster, lowering stress hormones, aiding sleep and giving the parents more confidence when handling their child.
Baby massage helps with bonding, relaxation, colic and constipation, sleep, pain relief, strengthening primary systems, confidence, support and postnatal depression.    
This course will enable you to safely teach baby massage to parents and other carers, have evidence based knowledge through reading the research articles that can be accessed through the NHS e-library and carry out individual and group sessions with parents and babies, you will also keep a reflective diary of these events.
The course is four days and includes the learning of the theory and practice of baby massage and there will be three sessions with ‘live’ parents and babies.
The course includes:
An introduction to baby massage
Attachment theory
Different types of massage strokes
The benefits of baby massage for both baby and parents
Running group or individual sessions
A 5 week course plan
Massage strokes
Toddler massage
Reflexology points
Carrier oils used for massage
Evaluation form
Insurance and Membership details
Working for yourself
Marketing classes
Reading List
Research abstracts and articles
Baby massage sequence with pictures
Homestudy will include reading research articles and books on baby massage. Preparation of teaching sessions and materials, lesson plans and marketing materials.
The assessments will include a reflective diary of your teaching of baby massage to at least 5 parents and babies over 5 teaching sessions, a written assessment and a practical assessment.
The entry requirements are a qualification in Anatomy and Physiology and have a current Enhanced Disclosure. (If there is not an Anatomy and Physilogy qualification a course is available to study for an extra fee of £   ).
A soft bodied doll will be required for the course and can be obtained from a toy shop or Touch-needs at 08456 123226.
The course can be run locally to you if you have 10 to 12 people to attend it.
For more details contact Karen on 01875 823030.
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