Full Ensemble
Concerti in C and G major T. Albinoni
Quintets Op. 11 J.C.Bach
Overture No. 5 in D M. Greene
'Farewell' Symphony (arr. G. Tocher) J. Haydn
'London' Symphony (arr. Salomon) J. Haydn
Concerto in B flat J.C. Pepusch
Concerto in C A. Vivaldi
Quartets and Trios
'Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring' (flute, oboe, spinet) J.S. Bach
Trio Sonata in A minor (strings) D. Buxtehude
Trio (flute,oboe, piano) M. Dring
Trios in C and D (flute, violin, piano) J. Quantz
Quartet in F (violin, flute, oboe, spinet) J.C. Schickhard
Quartets in F and G (wind and strings) G. Telemann
Duos and Solos
Violin Concertinos O Reiding
'Le "Rossignol en Amour" - solo spinet F. Couperin
'Syrinx' - solo flute C. Debussy
This is a selection to give you an idea of the wide range of our repertoire. There are many more pieces to choose from and we are happy to discuss programmes with you to find the best combination for your concert.