SpanglefishKinvale Cocker Spaniels | sitemap | log in
This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.

Welcome to Kinvale Cockers website


Welcome to my website  for my Kinvale Cocker Spaniel Kennels.
My kennel is located in a small typically rural Scottish village which is located South Lanarkshire.
Kinvale is a small and successful hobby kennel and I generally have one or two litters per year from one of my team.  The puppies are bred first and foremost for type and temperament, as the majority go to pet homes.
This site is designed for anyone with an love and interest of cockers or who may be thinking about welcoming one into their family.
I hope you will find the site of use to you as you browse through it, however if you have any queries you would like answered personally, feel free to give me a call or drop me an email.
For those that have looked in on my site to check if I have any puppy litters available, if there is a link on the left-hand side of the site, you can click it and it will take you to my puppies page. If you can't see the link, it means I dont currently have any litters available.


Click for MapSSPC - Property in Scotland
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