SpanglefishKasana Rhythm Beads & Arabian Show Halters | sitemap | log in
This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.

 You are welcome to contact me by phone on 07702 864306 or to email  me at to discuss your requirements or to use the feedback form on the left of the page.



Measure, in inches, completely around your horse's neck. The necklace should fall right on the line where your horse's neck meets his body (his "drive-line"). Add an inch or two to this measurement so the necklace will hang comfortably around your horse's neck.



Approx sizes for Arabs:


Mare 48"

Gelding 50"

Stallion 52"



Here is how to measure your horse for a halter:


1. Nose Measurement -

On one side start just below the cheek bone.

Place the tape where you want the noseband to sit and measure across the nose to the other side at the same location



2. Poll Measurement:

Measure from this spot over the poll to the starting point on the other side.




Approx Arabian Sizes

Weanling - 9 x 27

Yearling - 10 x 30

Adult - 11 x 32

Large Adult - 12 x 34











Site Last Updated - 13/02/2013 06:35:13
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