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Inverness Philatelic Society


2023-24 SEASON

Meetings begin at 7:30pm, but members generally arrive from 7pm onwards.


1st September, 2023       Members’ Bring & Buy Evening


6th October, 2023             Film Night


3rd November, 2023        Something beginning with ‘M’ - up to six pages of your chosen subject.


1st December, 2023         Quiz Night, Christmas Party & Games


5th January, 2024              President’s Night


2nd February, 2024           Members’ Bring & Buy  


1st March, 2024                Campbell McCutcheon - Ships' Pets, Cunards, Scottish Queens    


5th April, 2024                    Talk (speaker t.b.c.).


3rd May, 2024                    Talk (speaker t.b.c.).


7th June, 2024                   A. G. M.

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