
Hope Christian Trust Gallery - Activities and Ministries in which the Trust is currently involved, or has helped in the past.

Giving to any of these Ministries can be done through The Hope Christian Trust. For more detailed information of these activities contact the Trust direct.

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Tafuah Wheel Chair Project
Tafuah Wheel Chair Project
Muna has cerebral palsy but is a very bright girl and she hopes to become a computer teacher. She needs the wheel chair to get to school and to move around her school. All her lessons have been planned on the ground floor. The Palestinian Bible Society are supporting several families in villages south of Hebron.
Baraka Educational Centre
Baraka Educational Centre
This centre in Beit Sahour provides a daily kindergarten and after school clubs for children and young people to develop their IT skills and their abilities in Maths and English language For further information about Baraka see info@barakachurch.com
Hebron Evangelical School, Unit for the Deaf
Hebron Evangelical School, Unit for the Deaf
The Trust initiated the funding support to enable the children in the Hearing Impaired Unit to have special hearing aids and for teachers to have transmitters so giving a massive boost to the education of these children. It was expensive but the changes in the children's learning and happiness has been immense and very worthwhile.
The Lighthouse School
The Lighthouse School
Children at the school receive lunch daily as well as a good education. Families in need are supported too. Welfare and education combine an all round support for some of Gaza's neediest children.The Trust redoubled its support for the School after the horrific bombardments endured during the 2014 & 2021 wars, and will do so again after the latest conflict which is many times worse!
The Kindergarten Play area, Gaza
The Kindergarten Play area, Gaza
Sue Barton who helped to establish the new Kindergarten at the Lighthouse School in Gaza sadly died in May 2010. A fund was established in her memory and now a beautiful new play area has been built for the young children.The Trust has provided funding to repair damage caused by the 2014 & 2021 wars,and will continue to do so after the current conflict which is many times worse!
Hebron School Kindergarten
Hebron School Kindergarten
Hebron School has an excellent Kindergarten and caters for children with special needs in their "hearing unit".The Trust funded the equipment for this and supports financially a "special needs" assistant.
Visiting the Lighthouse School
Visiting the Lighthouse School
Children love to greet and meet visitors.The school was slowly getting back to normal after the 2021 conflict.The Trust had funded much of the repair work to the building,which was damaged during the fighting.The latest conflict has changed all that but the Trust will be there for the school to help and support when conditions allow.
Currently the school is empty and the students ,and staff, are unable to carry on with normal activities due to the horrific war.
Hebron School
Hebron School
Children prepare in their school hall for a presentation to their parents. Every day the children have a religious assembly in this hall
Teacher training at the Lighthouse School.
Teacher training at the Lighthouse School.
Trustees spend a time in the Lighthouse School supporting the staff and giving teacher training particularly in the Kindergarten section. It is much appreciated.This will be restarted when the current situation permits.
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