Back in March of 2011 I was contacted by a young collector named Kyle from New Castle, Delaware. We agreed to trade helmet fronts. Receipt of my fronts was confirmed as they appeared on his site at Following several delayed responses and excuses, his front was never received by myself. I welcome hearing from him if he can suggest a way to resolve this unfortunate matter. May i suggest that if you agree to a trade with this gentleman, that you await receipt of his item first, before mailing yours!
Back in May of this year (2019) I made contact via Facebook with a fellow fire helmet enthusiast by the name of Harry from Plainfield, Indiana. We agreed to exchange helmets and I shipped my helmet to him and he stated that he shipped his helmet to me. Three weeks went by and I messaged him asking if he liked the helmet i had sent him. He replied saying that he had not received my helmet and could I provide him with a tracking number. I had previously asked him if he would be O.K if I shipped my helmet to him via my countries standard air mail service. I replied saying that this standard service did not provide traking and asking if he had a tracking number for his helmet to me which I had not received. He said that he could and would provide me with his tracking number. To cut a very long story short and after many, many messages asking for this number, it has not been forthcoming. My last several messages to him have either been un-read or ignored. i will leave it there for you to make your own judgement on this fiasco..............
My message to you my fellow enthusiasts, before trading with this gentleman I would suggest that you receive his item first before shipping him anything in trade. I can provide further details if required. Please click on the 'Contact Me' link to the left of this warning.