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Guiding stories about Betty Clay,
the younger daughter of the B-Ps

For Guiding stories BY Betty Clay, click here.

It was Saturday, 18th February, 1995, outside Westminster Abbey after the Thinking Day Service. I was waiting for a group of Guides from my Home Scottish County whom I was hosting. 
I was sitting on a bench, in full Guider Uniform, and wearing my Scouter beads.
A lady came and sat down next to me, awaiting her car to be brought round. We said Hello, she asked why I was there, and I told her. She then remarked on my Scout beads and that I was a Guider; I explained I was also a Cub Scouter. 
She said her father would have loved to see this; I asked if he was a Scouter and which section.
"Oh, he and my mother dabbled in it all!!!'
Meanwhile I'm thinking, 'She looks slightly familiar'.
A Scouter then comes and escorts her to her car; she wishes me well, as I do her.
As I continue to wait, a Guider comes up, gushing that I was 'SO lucky to meet her !' I'm thinking 'There's someone famous here?'
Then, seeing me puzzled, she says 'Betty Clay ! You met BP's daughter !'
And all I had managed to say was 'What section was your Dad a Scouter with ?' 
My dad (an ADC Cubs) loved this story.

Gayle Pollock

If you have a tale to tell about Betty, 

or about her mother, Olave B-P,

or about your Guiding experiencs,

please click here.





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