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I love this Wall of Art. And I love the fact that it hasn't been damaged or sprayed on because that shows how much art means to us all - it's sacred!

Thank You so much everyone !!!
I love every single painting and it makes that stroll so much nicer and there is always something new to discover.
Posted by Mia on 01 August 2012
Thank you for your kind comments
Posted by Gerry O'Donnell on 23 March 2013
The Great wall of art
I have just returned from Thanet, the place of my birth, after picking up my Dad for the Christmas period. He mentioned the Wall of art so I googled it and here I am. Well, what can I say? WOW!!I cannot wait to return to Thanet and see it for real. The quality of the art on show is very high and I'm hoping there are some prints available to buy? I will post again after my visit.
Posted by Jo Boyden on 24 December 2011
My 15 year old daughter and I visited ramsgate last week, and I was totally impressed by the Great Wall. I could see it from the beach, the street, in a way it reminded me of the Oakland memorial tiles (California).

Awesome, and a great opportunity to practise my photography :-)
Posted by Janny Koster on 03 September 2011
art work
I have heard so much about the “Great Wall of Ramsgate” and all the great paintings on the wall I decided to go have a look for myself I was amazed at level and the standard of the art work loved the one of the Boating Pool, excellent work from all the artist well done.
Posted by J Brown on 03 August 2011
Many thanks for your kind words. I've passed on your comments re the Boating Pool to the artist, Steve Townsly.

Posted by Gerry O'Donnell on 03 August 2011
The Great Wall
We spend millions on the Turner Centre in Margate then Ramsgate comes along and shows T.D.C how its done for a fraction of the cost accessible by everyone and more relevant to the residents of Thanet a joy to behold well done everyone involved.
Posted by David Chinn on 31 July 2011
Great wall of wonderment.
Posted on 29 July 2011
Great Wall
Posted on 14 July 2011
The Great Wall
Posted on 02 May 2011
Joan Anderson Hudgell - Artist
Posted on 13 April 2011
Joan Anderson Hudgell Painting
Posted on 13 April 2011
Posted on 11 April 2011
Posted on 28 February 2011
the wall
Posted on 06 February 2011
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