Booking form-- please note this can't be filled in online. Either copy and paste the document and send the hard copy or just use the headings and supply us with all the necessary details, by email or post.
GACG ONE DAY WORKSHOP - 13 th April 2024
Name ………………………………Address: …………………………………
Tel. No:…………………………Course………………………….............
Email ( please print)……………………………………………………………………………..
Access requirements:…………………… GAC membership number:……………
Price £45 non-member £40 member
Co-ordinator Sue Cheviot, 46 Sussex Gardens, Hucclecote, Gloucester . Gl3 3ST
Tel. 07925 806 602 email :
How to book
i) complete this booking form and send it with a cheque payable to Gloucester Arts and Crafts Group, to Sue above, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope.
ii) send booking form details to Sue by email and pay by Bank transfer to:
Glos arts & crafts, Natwest bank, Account number 69003009, Sort code 60-09-02.
Use reference ODW24 and your name as it appears on the booking form.
Sensational Silk Scarves -Mary Day SORRY COURSE IS FULLY BOOKED
Painting your own silk scarf is a thrilling and creative experience. You will learn a range of techniques and tips. By the end of the workshop you will have created an individual scarf, using vibrant colours on silk, which you will be proud to wear. Materials cost to include a silk scarf, practice silk and silk dyes, together with all equipment required £15.
No experience necessary.
Willow and Hazel garden structures—Helen Lomberg SORRY COURSE IS FULLY BOOKED
Learn to make the following structures for your garden out of locally grown Willow and Hazel—Obelisk ( plant climber ), Plant support and Trellis .
3 or 4 items can be made. Wear comfortable old clothes, bring your favourite secateurs. I will bring all materials and tools needed.
Charge for materials to tutor on the day.
Progressive Pastels—Jackie Cox SORRY COURSE IS FULLY BOOKED
Investigate new and interesting ways of using pastels. Using different surfaces, tools and mixing media, we will explore how to achieve new and exciting results that can be incorporated into your artwork. Suitable for beginners and those wishing to further their use of pastels. Materials supplied at a small cost. Bring any pastels/pencils and watercolours if you have them.
Magical Mixed Media - Jackie Garner SORRY COURSE IS FULLY BOOKED
Have a day of fun exploring a variety of acrylic techniques, creating textured and patterned papers for use in collage or mixed media. There will be an opportunity to try mono-printing with a gelli-plate. The day will conclude with making a small landscape or abstract. Suitable for both beginners and more experienced artists. Tutor will make a small charge for any of her materials used.
Watercolour techniques—Marion Ferraby LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE
Have you ever had fun blowing and splashing watercolour paints? This technique, alongside loose watercolour painting can produce some amazing effects. We will also use some every day items to create different textures on an animal of your choice.
For all levels of ability.
All materials provided, £10 payable to tutor on the day.
Vintage Jewellery Art - Jackie Ginley SORRY COURSE IS FULLY BOOKED
This is an upcycle project for preloved jewellery. Turn pieces of unwanted jewellery into works of art, learning how to assemble beads, chains and pieces of jewellery into specific shapes. We will explore the use of glues and adhesives. I have a range of designs for you to choose from or you can bring your own. Please ensure it is in silhouette form and will fit within an aperture size of 15cm x 15cm.