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Surprisingly, clay is a controversial topic. There have been endless debates on which is the best to use. You, as a beginner, may be wondering this very same thing. And the answer is..... NONE! In short, all times of clay are good, depending on what you nee it for. Different types of plasticine (clay) have different properties and can provide an array of textures in animation. As, however, you are a beginner and won't be spend shed loads of money on clay, the best types for you to get would be sturdy ones which don't melt as easily. This rules out the Flair branded Platicine (R) You can still use it if you wish, it will just not be good for entire characters.The others are useful for whatever although types like Flair may be wanted for more texture. 


Have fun!


Oh, and remember to clean your hands when you switch colours!

Site Last Updated - 28/01/2012 18:11:16
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