SpanglefishThe Glasgow Branch of the Clarsach Society | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 11/01/2013.
Events involving branch members as teachers, performers or organisers are listed in blue. Other harp events have been noted for members' interest, follow the links for more information. In general only concerts within easy reach of Glasgow will be listed, but courses or longer events might be further away.





28th-30th September

Harp Village, Cromarty

Tutors: Savourna Stevenson, Corrina Hewat and Maire ni Chathasaigh

3 Day Residential harp village in the beautiful surroundings of the Stables, the East Hall and Old Brewart in Cromarty on the Black Isle. The Harp Village will include an evening concert on Friday, Saturday Evening Session and workshops covering a range of ability levels all day Saturday and Sunday. 

more info about booking from :

Cromarty Arts Trust, 01381 600354, and


30 September – 2 October

Autumn Harp Weekend   A Cadenza Promotions event

Relaxing house-party style harping weekend at a stylish Edwardian venue – residential or non residential.  
Tutor:  Isobel Mieras
Venue: Gean House, Alloa, near Stirling
Contact: Joan Bailey on 01387 740412 or

22/23 October

The Irish Connection!   A Solway Harps event

A weekend with acclaimed Irish harpist, Anne-Marie O’Farrell … Anne-Marie will tutor an all-abilities workshop, with the focus on Irish music and technique, on Saturday 22 October. On Sunday 23 October Anne-Marie will be the guest soloist at Solway Harps’ annual Autumn Tapestry concert. An ambitious programme is planned which will include Anne-Marie’s arrangements as well as at least two new works for harp ensemble.
Venues: Glenmidge Harp Studio for the workshop; Woodland House Hotel, Dumfries, for the concert
Contact: Joan Bailey on 01387 740412 or



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