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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 04/02/2013.

What Does Membership Cost?

Membership runs for a year from the date your cheque lands with us

If you are a small business then the rate is £125 per year

For corporate members the rate is £500 per year

You will be entitled to the member rate at all our events

To join now simply complete the Membership Form and pay online or request an invoice.


HereIs What Some of Our Members Think About Fusion

It's the people you meet through your involvement with Fusion.  They are either interested or interesting.  They come from all walks of life and most of them are doing, or have done, amazing things.  For me, Fusion represents an opportunity to meet, listen to and share experiences with people who are not just doing great things themselves, but are also interested in what other people are up to.
I hunted around to see if someone famous had come up with a quote which could sum up my experience of Fusion.  I found this one.  It wasn't said by Aristotle or Winston Churchill, but by Douglas Adams.
"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
Not so with Fusion members Douglas.  Not so.
Allan Simpson
The Results Academy



“Having gone self employed in April, joining Fusion has allowed me to network quickly and build a list of contacts.  From this I have been able to tender for work and am now working with a fellow Fusion member.  Being part of Fusion also means that there are people who have been there before in business and are always willing to pass on their experience.  I am looking forward to more networking this autumn!”  Jennifer Macdonald-Nethercott, Business Technicians
Page Last Updated - 08/08/2011
WikanikoWork from Home
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