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A pictorial documentary of the full contact Kung Fu championships in Foshan Southern China November 2018

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Taking place every two years the Hung Kuen Kung Fu championships draw contestants from around the world. This is my homage to one individual who totally surprised us all by winning the title on his debut. I missed that first time round. I was not going to miss it a second time.

Travelling over 5800 miles to witness and hopefully return with a world champion, was something I never considered in my wildest dreams. I should have known better for talent and determination are in his character.





A pictorial voyage to the Shiant Islands

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The sea channel known as ‘the Minch’ separates the Outer Hebrides, from the Inner Hebrides and North West mainland Scotland. Here the Shiant Islands archipelago thrust up from a deeply canyoned seabed, between the joined Outer Hebridean Isles of Lewis and Harris and the Isle of Skye. Defensively ringed by strong tidal streams, over falls and barely submerged reefs they stand guard where the waters of the Little Minch broaden dramatically into the wide North Minch. Between the Shiants and Lewis five miles to the west flows the tidal stream of the ‘Blue Men’. The vast amount of shipwrecks netted by these islands has given the name ‘the current of destruction’ to this stream. Over 400ft deep in places, this is where the legendary ‘Blue Men’ are alleged to patrol.

It is said in these turbulent waters, they twist and dive frolicking like the dolphin does, ever watchful for straying vessels. Though never fully at rest, the stream may flow calmly when the Blue Men slumber, just beneath the surface. But when awake the dreaded Mermen can make the sea boil and churn with wind-roared waves and thundering swells. Any vessel foolish enough to force passage may attract their unwanted attention. They will surge in pursuit and surround the ship, and their chief will challenge the master of the ship with a riddle. A wise captain must choose his words carefully in reply; for only a satisfactory answer will ensure escape and safe passage beyond. To fail is to invite attack and capsizing. And to drown in the abyssal canyon below.

The ketch Merlin set sail for these Islands in August 2019. The captain and first mate almost paid the price for their Devil-may care attitude. For this archipelago belongs to seabirds and mournful night- wailing grey seals. Here towering cliffs spring sudden, descending, violent squalls on the unwary; whilst the Island caves bellow cold wet breath, as the swell rises and falls like a giant lung. To overestimate what little shelter the lee of these soaring cliffs afford in quiet weather, (when other things drift in sleep) is to surely risk the interest of the bardic Blue Men as they wake. We were to discover one sudden violent night, the calm of the day can be most deceptive and our dragging anchor could have been the least of our worries!

This book is a pictorial record of the voyage from Inverness, down the Caledonian Canal, north via Ardnamurchan Point and Kyle of Loch Alsh. Thence, northward through the straits of Rona to the Shiants Archipelago. The return voyage (after completing the crossing of the Minch to the outer Isle of Scalpay and its many harbour wrecks),sailing down the west coast and final circumnavigation of Skye, to the ‘small’ Isles of Rum and Eigg, before retracing the passage back to the Caledonian canal and home. A round trip of 478 miles.


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