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02 February 2013
Bramblefields Walkabout

With Cllr Rod Cantrill, Cllr Gerri Bird, Clare Blair, Cambridge Cycle Campaign, Cambridge Past, Present & Future, Friends of Bramblefields and FENRA members. On Saturday FENRA had a walkabout the area with Councillor Rod Cantrill with the aim of discussing proposed access routes to the Station through the area and discussing the protection of Bramblefields Nature Reserve. FENRA has since made clear that we are opposed to any access to the Station through Brambelfields given that it is a nature reserve and not a cycle-run-through and that alternative viable cycle and pedestrian access are proposed via the back of Moss Bank (old public footpath) and also along Nuffield Road and the guided bus route. FENRA feels that the nature reserve should not be sacrificed and be left alone to be enjoyed as a recreational space not merely a commuter route. Additionally, access to the station through Bramblefields (of any description) will potentially result in fly-parking issues, increased foot- and cycle- traffic, increased use will require increased lighting, increased noise, litter and anti-social behaviour. The quality of life for people living around Bramblefields in all directions would be radically changed. See the Cambridge Cycle Campaign newsletter about improving the route through Nuffield Road online at http://www.camcycle.org.uk/newsletters/106/article5.html Cllr Cantrill listened to us and toured Bramblefields and up Moss Bank to familiarise himself with the reality of the proposals. Cllr Cantrill said that the City Council as land owner would review any planning application for changes to Bramblefields separately from the Station and would fully consult with residents on any future planning proposals that might arise.
Please be reassured that FENRA is pro- the station development. We believe (like you) that the Station has the potential to bring prosperity and new life to the area and that transport access from Chesterton to the City afforded by the train cannot be a bad thing. What we are concerned with is that the Station development be of benefit to all and detriment to none.

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