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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 08/10/2023.


What data do we collect?

We collect Name, Postcode, Email and Telephone Number (where you have provided this information). This data was collected from you directly, or when you signed up on the website.

Why do we collect this data?

We use this information to keep you informed about news from Dunvegan Community Trust, information about related meetings, activities or events, and to communicate with you about local campaigns, surveys or projects etc.

Who do we share data with?

Other members within the group when appropriate. Third parties where we are required to by law.

What rights do you have regarding your data?

You have the right to:

  • Request the Trust to give you access to it
  • Request the  Trust  to rectify it, update it or erase it
  • Request the  Trust  to restrict our using it in specific activities
  • Object to the  Trust  using it in specific activities
  • Withdraw your consent to the Trust using it

 Who to contact with queries?

You can email us at maressamunro3@gmail.com

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