Coaching at Diwane: Offer and Rules
Diwane is a professional development initiative created and managed by University Graduated bicultural (young) professionals. We are doing well and most of us could better through coaching and monitoring. We may be intelligent, gifted and just because of a little thing we miss a target. A coach teaches us why we miss and how to hit the target next time.
In collaboration with Kiwanis (high level professional network) and other partners, Diwane provides one-on-one coaching and mentoring. Each affiliated candidate is matched with a coach taking in account his academic and career interests. The coach plays a critical role in providing support and guidance to the coachee on a wide range of life and career related issues. Our pool of coaches contains entrepreneurs, leaders and managers in corporations and public organizations. Through the coaching relationship, coachees explore career opportunities and begin defining and pursuing their personal and professional plans. In addition Diwane organises on regular basis workshops and social events that promote networking and help the participating studenst and young professionals making the transition from educational life to employment and entrepreneurship succesfully.
Participation Conditions.
Mentors are expected to:
Sign a Mentoring contract
Email or phone their mentee every two weeks
Meet with their mentor in person at least once a quarter or at the request of the mentee
Participate in Diwane Café, workshops and networking events
Encourage their mentees participation in Diwane Café, workshops and networking events
Mentees are expected to:
Sign a Mentoring Contract
Meet with their mentor in person at least once a quarter
Email or phone their mentor evry two weeks
Participate in Diwane Café, workshops and networking events
Promote Diwane activities
Interested? Grip your chance and grip one of the voluntary top coaches we have (Marketing managers, Quality managers, Senior project managers, lawyers, docters, Human resources managers, business owners, management consultants, …). In Dutch: OP=OP. What is requested? A clear goal AND commitment !!!