Constitution & Rules
1. NAME:
Davenham Recreational Bowling Club.
The club belongs to the membership and is under trusteeship. The trustees shall be appointed by the Annual General Meeting.
The object of the club is to provide facilities for the playing of and to promote the playing of crown green bowls.
Membership of the club is open to all.
Membership is subject to approval of the management committee upon receipt of a completed membership form and the relevant subscription.
Membership cannot become effective until at least two complete days following the completion of the membership form.
In return for a deposit set by the club treasurer, members will be entitled to the loan of a key to the gate and club house. By taking part in this scheme members agree to return the key at the end of their membership. On return of the key, the initial deposit will be refunded.
There shall be a maximum of 100 league registered players. There is no limit to the number of non-registered players or junior members.
Members are expected, at all times, to uphold the good name of Davenham Recreation Bowling Club and to abide by the codes of conduct of the British Crown Green Bowling Association and those leagues and associations with whom the club is affiliated.
All complaints regarding alleged breaches of the above should be presented and submitted in writing to the Secretary.
A disciplinary committee made up of three members of the management committee will meet to hear complaints within 7days of a complaint being lodged. The disciplinary committee has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action including the termination of membership.
The outcome of a disciplinary hearing should be notified in writing to the person who lodged the complaint and the member against whom the complaint was made within 7 days of the hearing.
There will be the right of appeal to the full management committee following disciplinary action being announced. The management committee should consider the appeal within 7 days of the Secretary receiving the appeal. Members of the original disciplinary committee shall not form any part of the appeals committee.
Any member who feels they have a legitimate grievance should raise the matter with their captain and/or the club chairman or vice chairman. The matter will then be investigated by the club committee.
7. SUBSCRIPTIONS: The rate of annual subscriptions shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting.
There are two levels of subscription:
Junior member (under 16)
Full member:
Any member whose subscription has not been paid by 31st May of that season will be ineligible for selction to represent the club until such time as the fees have been paid.
A match fee will be payable by each team member before the commencement of any league or cup game. The level of match fees to be set by the AGM.
Any league or cup prize money won by a team to be divided between the members of the team in equal shares. At the discretion of the captain occasional members of the team may be included at a rate proportionate to the number of games played.
Immediately prior to the close of the season, the captains of the A teams in each league will consult with his/ her players on who shall fulfil the captaincy and vice-captaincy for the forthcoming season.
Following this, and before the close of the season, the 'A' team captains will name the players he / she requires for the forthcoming season. In this respect the A team captain will consult with the 'B' team captain on any players who should be considered for promotion from the 'B' team.
The A team captain will then name his team.
The process will be repeated by each team in each division in order of B team; C team (if any) : D team (if any).
The secretary will then register the players for each team as appropriate. Lists of registered players, including those “starred” under Mid-Cheshire League rules, will be maintained in the clubhouse.
It is hoped that all members will aspire to play for the highest ranked team in each league. The club recognises that those players who excel should be offered the chance to progress to higher teams. Conversely, any players who under perform should be prepared to play in lower ranked teams.
All teams are encouraged to progress in their respective leagues and in so doing improve the status of the club within the bowling community.
Where a captain is unable to play a full team for any fixture he/ she will consult with the captain of the team immediately below in order to obtain players. In the case of teams other than the 'A' team, the captain may draw upon any spare players from the team above, so long as this is permitted within the appropriate league or cup rules.
The selected team should be displayed on the club noticeboard at least 4 days prior to the game being played.
Under no circumstances should a captain approach a player directly.
“Doubling up”, where a player is playing for more than one team in any one week, is to be avoided as this practice prevents players in lower divisions playing in that week.
12. LEASE OF GREEN: At the discretion of the committee and in accordance with the club policy, other village organizations shall be allowed to use the green and /or clubhouse.
13.GREENAGE Members are entitled to “sign -in” up to three visitors on any one occasion. Visitors using the green shall pay a green fee set at the Annual General meeting. Non members may only be signed in up to a maximum of 5 occasions in any one season.
It is expected that all members will participate in the working parties which are organised from time to time for the upkeep of the green, its surrounds and the club house.
15. COMMITTEE: The day-to-day management of the club shall be vested in a management committee consisting of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Bar Manager, Social Secretary, plus two co-opted members drawn from the team Captains.
This committee to be supplemented by ‘captains’ meetings so that the opinions of the membership are accurately reflected.
At the Annual General Meeting in each year the club officials and club committee shall be re-elected or replaced by other members of the club.
The committee shall have the power to appoint a member to fill any casual vacancy on the committee until the next Annual General Meeting.
The Quorum for a meeting of the committee shall be four.
The Treasurer
The treasurer shall keep an account of all income and expenditure and shall submit all accounts duly audited at the A.G.M.
The bank account shall be in the name of the Club
The funds shall be devoted to such purposes as are provided under section 3 above.
Green Committee
The green committee is responsible for overseeing the care and maintenance of the green and its surrounds and delegating work to the green-keeper, other club members as appropriate, and organising working parties. All issues regarding the maintenance of the green must be directed to the Green Committee by team captains.
Bar Committee
The bar committee will consist of three members. Only members of the club's bar committee will be authorised to purchase alcohol on behalf of the club. The bar committee will report to the club's management committee at the management committee meetings. The bar accounts and receipts will be submitted to the treasurer for inclusion in the treasurer's report to the Annual General Meeting.
The club is licensed to sell alcohol to members and their guests for consumption on the premises only.
Members of visiting clubs, by virtue of the fact that they are members of similar clubs, become, for the purpose of the licence , associate members of this club and are entitled to purchase drinks. All transactions, however, must be completed by Davenham Club members.
Social Committee
The Social Secretary will co-opt a social committee which will plan and organise social events for the club.
Team Captains, The Secretary, Treasurer, and Chairman to receive an expense allowance to cover telephone calls and postage. The amount to be decided by the Annual General Meeting.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the club shall be held in the month of November each year upon a date and a time to be fixed by the committee for the following purposes:-
(a) To receive from the treasurer a report, balance sheet and statement of accounts for the preceding financial year and to decide the level of subscriptions, green fees, and match fees payable during the forthcoming season.
b) To report to the membership on the work of the committee during the past year.
(c) Election of club officials and committees, to endorse the appointments of team captains and to appoint an Auditor for the ensuing year
(d) To decide on any resolutions put forward.
(e) A Quorum shall be fifteen members.
(f) An Extra-ordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called at the request in writing to the secretary of twenty members of the club. Such a meeting to be held within 30 days of such a request.
(g)Any resolutions put forward for adoption at either an AGM or EGM must be handed to the club secretary at least 21 days prior to the date of the meeting. The resolution must be supported by a proposer and seconder.
Members are encouraged to practice the green whenever it is free and by so doing improve their skill level. Members practising the green may have use of the club's floodlight facilities provided these are extinguished by 9:30pm prompt.
Any assets remaining on the dissolution of the club and having settled all debts shall be passed to the Cheshire West & Chester Council to be used to the benefit of the people of the village.
These rules may only be changed by a decision of either an Annual General Meeting or an Extra-ordinary General Meeting by a resolution being submitted under 16g (above) and decided by simple majority voting.