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Thanks again

Han & Kev


Im impressed Kev and Hannah. I think these are really awesome photos i have lot's more competition now haha.
Posted by Amber on 16 January 2012
Web Site
Love the site I think some will be adorning my walls!
Posted by Jane Evans on 15 January 2012
Well done!
See? I told you it was easy! And I don't know what you were worried about: it's not all technical stuff! You have an eye for your subject matter and great composition skilss!
Posted by Al Stewart on 15 January 2012
thanks for link han these pics are amazing, liking the one of the swan taken by kev and waterfll scenary im impressed x
Posted by leon on 15 January 2012
some of the lovliest i've seen...well done !
Posted by geri on 13 January 2012
Posted on 12 January 2012
No Title
Posted on 12 January 2012
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