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The Megaphonecall!

The megaphonecall is a zany slot in the equally zany Chris Evans Breakfast Show at 8.10 every weekday morning. All you need is a meagaphone (real or improvised), someone to hold the phone, someone to make the announcement, and something to announce...

Perhaps we could anounce our top secret wedding? We were mad enough to think this was a good idea - and it seems it was! Katie contacted the producer at the Breakfast Show in February, little thinking she would ever receive a reply, and two hours later, Day Macaskill fired back a message to say 'We love the story, yes please, let us help!' And so the madness began. We nearly bottled two weeks before, but then steeled ourselves, wrote the script, fielded phonecalls from producers, sent off all sorts of top secret details, and lo, the day came for the secret to be unleashed...follow this link to the Voicethread web site to find out more:

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