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17 February 2023
2023 Tub of Tatties competition

Can you grow the heaviest Tub of Tatties?


There’s a special competition at our Summer Show again this year - plant one seed potato in a pot or container with a maximum capacity of 14 litres (standard builders bucket size), you choose the variety, the compost, and when, where and how you grow it. You can see some hints and tips here. There are two classes – one for age 14 and over, and one for under 14.

Bring it along to the Show in Rosemarkie on Saturday 12th August, intact, and at 2pm everybody empties their tubs. We’re delighted that Trish and Verity will again be running the weigh-in of the crops, with prizes for the highest yields by weight.

This year, if you want, you can buy a kit to enter the competition – a bucket of the correct size with drainage holes, a voucher for a seed potato, a recycled wooden label, and some hints and tips – you just add the compost and your growing skills! Kits cost £2 for age 14 and over, 50p for under 14. They’ll be available at Transition Black Isle’s Potato Day at North Kessock on 4th March and if we’ve got any left over we’ll let you know on our Facebook page afterwards and you can get in touch if you want one.

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