Berwick and District Trades Union Council Activities Report - October 2012.
The recent well attended “Save Maternity Unit” rally in Berwick shows that people in Berwick and North Northumberland are prepared to actively oppose cuts in local services.
The “State of Berwick from Poor Law to the Present” is the topic for our annual day school on Saturday the 13th October. This is a public meeting open to all who want the facts to defend hard won social welfare. The cost is £5 and that includes Coffee and Lunch. Chris Green, former curator of Berwick Museum, will lead the discussion followed by two local experts on housing and how the cuts affect different sections of our community.
The following weekend the Trades Council has organised a bus from Berwick to the 20th October Anti – Cuts demonstration in Glasgow. A similar demonstration is organised for London and both look as if they will be very well supported. The TUC banner is “A Future That Works”.
Our day school will provide you with the facts and figures for an alternative economic strategy; the demonstration provides a voice for our local community to speak out loud. Join us on the demonstration and make the day a huge show of opposition to the Government’s policies.