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12 April 2023

Auriol: A modern Boadicea

Auriol, your name alone conjures up someone entirely special. Your hair with glowing lights tossed about your shoulder. Memories of seeing you on your trusty steed. It stood waiting in your hall, batteries charged, ready to gallop fearlessly across the Bridge towards the town. Even the terrifyingly steep West Street held no qualms.

Bridge Street a favourite location: It houses the wonderful Green Shop, which you supported as well as the Mule on Rouge and The Granary.  In these places you could chat to friends and nurse a coffee.

Your found solace at the late Joy Mitchell’s Peace Church and was inspired by the late Gerry Jones and his Migrants Support Group. You campaigned tirelessly for Memorial Tree planting and benches in each case.

Your staunch support at demonstrations made you a fearless campaigner for Amnesty, Stop the War and Palestine.

From Rose Kay’s contribution at Auriol’s Quaker memorial gathering  (1st of April, 2023)

I remember Auriol as a steadfast campaigner for peace and always with our local peace group founded by the late Joy Mitchell. She attended Berwick Trade Union Council meetings and participated actively with street stalls organised by the TC and our local peace group. She was particularly concerned with workers health and well being and helped with our Workers’ Memorial Day (yearly TUC day of action) street stalls. Auriol: always for Peace, thank you.

Phil Thompson, former Berwick TC secretary

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