From Whale & Dolphin Conservation……BBC Pics of Scotland….
by Bernie Bell - 08:53 on 18 January 2025
From Whale & Dolphin Conservation……
“Welcome to your January enews
You made an incredible impact for whales and dolphins last year and we want to say a massive thank you. Whether you adopt a whale or dolphin, give regularly or occasionally or support our campaigns, your kindness ensures we can protect whales and dolphins and their ocean home well into the future.
To celebrate our shared successes in 2024, we've made you a short video highlighting just five of the year's most significant moments. Click on the link below to relive some of the milestones you helped achieve.
Each year, we're getting closer to a world where every whale and dolphin is safe and free and we're excited for more successes in 2025.
Your generosity means so much to all of us at WDC, we feel very lucky to have such brilliant supporters - thank you for standing with us to protect these amazing beings.
Your support for our Don’t Go To The Show campaign was astonishing! Together, you raised an incredible £11,260 to expose the truth behind this so-called ‘entertainment’. Thanks to you, we will now be able to continue our campaign to make people think twice before visiting whale and dolphin facilities while they’re on holiday and keep pressure on TUI and Carnival Cruises until they stop their support of this cruelty. We’re so proud of what we’ve achieved together - thank you! Click below to see all we accomplished this year.
Whale webinar
To thank you for your support and for sharing so many brilliant questions about restoring the ocean and recovering whale populations, we’re inviting you to our live webinar with expert Ed Goodall. Ed won’t have time to answer every question, but he’ll try his best!
Norway update
Thanks to you, our Norway For Whales campaigner Lottie has been back in Oslo meeting with likeminded politicians and NGOs to explore how we can work together to create a wave of change to end the hunts.
Changing the course
Big News! Dragons’ Den’s Deborah Meaden is supporting our #TakeWhalesOffTheMenu campaign. That’s not all. Thanks to you, we’re now working with Michelin on a plan that will benefit whales, dolphins and the ocean. Find out more in our video.
Jingle Jam 2024
Thank you to everyone who supported our video game streaming event Jingle Jam 2024. We raised £339k to protect whales and dolphins and launch two new education projects inspiring children and young people to protect these awesome beings worldwide.
Please consider making a donation……
BBC Pics of Scotland….
10th – 17th of January 2025….
More lovely lovely snowy pics!
And memories of…
And finally – Kirkwall Lifeboat….
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