

by Bernie Bell - 09:59 on 10 December 2024



I read the following on the Facebook page of an old friend from Uni., accompanied by a petition to try to avert the cutting of all Undergraduate courses from Lampeter University after 2025, or at least to try to convince The Powers That Be of the need to re-consider how they might approach the future of Lampeter University and, by association, Lampeter town.


Ian wrote….


“Old Lampeter hands will want to sign this I'm sure; but also Powys residents who are researching a project (we can use the library), or anyone who thinks a university in the heart of the Great Green Desert is a remarkable thing worth saving. Higher education is in a bad place, we all know that, and it needs reform; but don't let the smallest fall first. There is nowhere else like it.




I’m in a bit of a state of shock about this.  There are my personal memories but also there’s what that place is and what it offers.  For example,

Lampeter is the only University in Britain offering this course....



But it's not just about Lampeter.... The Powers That Be appear to be whittling at the areas of life which expand awareness – cutting back on University courses nationwide.

It occurred to me that, if as many folk as possible could be made aware of, and sign, the petition – that would show not only that the Lampeter Campus matters, but that Education…… matters.

It looks like the Campus would need to serve a different purpose if it’s to survive.  What matters is, to convince The Powers That Be that it would be worth taking time to consider possibilities before taking drastic action.


Then, another old chum from Lampeter days suggested that I might write a song about the situation, which he would put to music.


I don’t usually write lyrics.  I write little ditties, or sometimes quite long poems that come into my head, but I said I’d have a go and I put together a poem, which Marko then put to music - added images - and here it is…






Green hills

Wide vale

Old Building

Arts & Humanities

Not ‘useful’

Cut them back

Make money

Today’s creed


Memories of -

Boozy nights

Walking days






The town

Grew round it

Depends on it

Town & Gown

Will now join

In solidarity

For a future



BB Dec. ‘24


If you care about education that isn’t purely pragmatic and/or for profit – please consider signing the petition and sharing it widely.

Thank you.


PS - I've just seen this .....



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