
Two Warnings!..... An Illuminating Schematic….The Cairns Dig Diary….

by Bernie Bell - 08:15 on 14 June 2024


Two Warnings!.....

As Members of ‘Historic Scotland’ we received the summer edition of their magazine, which includes an article about Anne Lister of Shibden Hall, Halifax.  At the beginning of the article there is a little roundel with a warning…

“This article includes content of an adult nature and may not be suitable for younger readers”

The ‘content of an adult nature’ refers to the fact that Anne was a lesbian – a woman brave enough to ‘come out’ as a lesbian at a time when that was not acceptable – and that’s an understatement!

There’s no erotic detail - just an article telling of Anne’s relationship with Sibella MacLean, and their visit to Scotland together.

The next warning was when I clicked to read Simon’s most recent blog about his holiday in Germany…

“( You're about to view content that the journal owner has marked as possibly inappropriate for anyone under the age of 18. )”

All agog, and having left the age of 18 behind me long ago – I continued….


I think ‘Dildoking’ is a hoot!  As long as you don’t try to put ketchup on one and eat it!

I’m reminded of two dildo stories (!) ……

First – years ago Mike and I and Ben-The-Dog were walking down to the marshes near where we lived in Suffolk, when we saw a huge bright orange rubber dildo lodged in the branches of a tree by the path – and I mean HUGE!

Farther along the path, there was a pair of red knickers hanging from a bush.  What was the story there? 


The other tale was told to us by the landlady of The Belgrave Arms in Helmsdale. They were having some work done on one of the bedrooms and under the floorboards they found a vibrator – an old one - she said they thought it dated from maybe the 1950’s or 60’s.  Again, what was the story?  Why was it hidden – then left there?....


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – life’s a GAS.


An Illuminating Schematic…


Getting ready for the dig…..


The Cairns Dig Diary…

…has begun….


….day two….


Ole & Holly are back!




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