
The Fledgling’s Tale……Simon’s Summer Holiday….

by Bernie Bell - 08:23 on 11 June 2024


The Fledgling’s Tale……

I noticed young sparrers on the grass in front of the house, fluffing and fluttering as they do when they want to be fed.  Then a parent arrived and fed them…..

A few more sparrers arrived….. 

A couple  of the young ones went into the water-dish - looked like they didn’t quite know what to do - but enjoyed having a splash……

Then a couple of young starlings muscled in on the act……..


This was all accompanied by a lot of cheeping and chirruping. 

The young birds are fledging – and learning.

Just messin'....



Simon’s Summer Holiday…

Continues to be of interest….



A refreshingly jolly time is being had.  I still have a hang-over view of Berlin and The Wall – grimness, etc etc.  I remember when the Wall came down. A friend of mine had been away – staying somewhere where he didn’t have a telly or radio – hadn’t heard the news.  He genuinely found it hard to believe - the Berlin Wall and all it stood for had been such a symbol of oppression for so long.  Bowie’s ‘Heroes’ – Elvis Costello’s reference to ‘Checkpoint Charlie’ in ‘Oliver’s Army’ – would young one’s today recognize the references?   For that matter, any of the references I’ve just used?

And now – live music - outdoors – in the summer sun!  That’s more like it.


This led to an exchange with someone about Checkpoint Charlie, which got me thinking about how something actively positive could be made from it.

My vision for Checkpoint Charlie is..... to remove it and have a big, curved, open archway in its place - counter-balancing what the Wall and the Checkpoint symbolized, with an opening between East and West Berlin.

Folk could look through it and, better still, walk through it.  Imagine what that would mean to those who weren't allowed - for so long.



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