
Light & Dark…. From ‘Emergence’ Magazine….

by Bernie Bell - 08:07 on 29 May 2024


Light & Dark….

The Artist Known As Robinson R.R. has recently completed a new piece of sculpture – ’Hakon‘  - which represents Earl Hakon with his associates in his boat on their way to put an end to Magnus’ hopes of ruling Orkney.

It’s a striking piece of work…

Pic. courtesy of Robinson R.R.

I was thinking of where it could be placed and I picture it in the Cathedral, along the side of the porch.

As visitors/pilgrims come up the front steps the sculpture would be seen, outlined, through the glass – leading the eye to the Nave and on, to the big window at the other end of the cathedral…..

The beginning of the story of why the cathedral came to be built,  placed at the beginning of their visit to the Cathedral.

Then, from the other end of the Cathedral it would present a dark shape, silhouetted against the light of the porch…

…with various forms of light through the day and through the seasons, glinting on Hakon’s gold torc. 

For Hakon, it was all about power and wealth.  Magnus wanted peace, for himself and for his people.

For me, Hakon’s gold torc represents the difference between the two men and their ways of being and seeing.

I can picture it - Robinson R.R.’s   ‘Hakon’ - in that position – telling the tale by its form and by its presence.

The story of Magnus & Hakon…



From ‘Emergence’ Magazine….

“WE BELONG to the biosphere—a beautifully complex system that connects us to everything. Yet our senses don’t usually perceive the myriad ways we are part of the wider world. This week, delve into a conversation exploring the creative process behind our online adaptation of Breathing with the Forest, an immersive experience that visualizes the hidden cycle of respiration that connects us with the Amazon rainforest, and step into a practice of sharing breath with the trees in your garden or neighborhood.

Making the Invisible Visible

A Conversation with Marshmallow Laser Feast’s creative director Ersin Han Ersin 

“Can we allow ourselves to embody other beings, other species, by playing with the plasticity of our perception?”

On a still night, an owl can hear a mouse rustling over one hundred meters away and know exactly where it is. Butterflies use ultraviolet wavelengths to perceive flowers. Giant sequoias take several hundred liters of water a day up from their roots, into their vascular systems, to their canopy, eventually generating their own clouds. How can we, as humans, relate to these experiences that sit outside the parameters of our perception? 

This conversation between Emergence’s executive editor Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee and Marshmallow Laser Feast’s creative director Ersin Han Ersin, recorded live at our Shifting Landscapes exhibition in London, delves into MLF’s process of creating immersive installations that invite you to step into a more-than-human experience. Taking us into the convergence of science and imagination that led to their large-scale installation Breathing with the Forest, Ersin speaks to the power of sensory engagement, wonder, and awe to broaden both our perception of, and empathy towards, other living beings. 


Breathing with the Forest

by Marshmallow Laser Feast

“Entering the forest, we step out of our separateness to embody something much more than human.”

What is it like to be one of the largest organisms that has ever existed? How does it feel to host a vast web of relationships that anchor an ecosystem? In our special interactive online adaptation of Breathing with the Forest, you are invited to open your senses to what it might be like to be a part of the hidden forces that flow through the trees and mycelial networks of the Colombian Amazon rainforest. Surrounded by an ensemble of birdsong, moving water, and insect chirr, and guided by narration from acclaimed British actor Colin Salmon, synchronize the rhythm of your own breath with the cycles of molecular exchange between soil, tree, and sky—finding where you end and the forest begins. 


Encountering Trees

An Emergence Magazine Practice

Breathing with the Forest brings you into an awareness of our inseparability from the living world. Every breath you take, every sip of water, is connected to the Amazon rainforest through global cycles. To tend to this invisible connection and deepen your relationship with the trees in your own surroundings, this practice prompts you to encounter a tree through the senses, illuminating the threads linking one sentient being to another.





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