
The Stones of Stenness….. BBC Pics. of Scotland…...From ‘Right to Roam’….

by Bernie Bell - 07:06 on 26 May 2024


The Stones of Stenness…..

A very thorough exploration of The Stones of Stenness by Sigurd Towrie…


And …my tuppenceworths…


In m’blog – see ‘A Tale of Two Parts’….



BBC Pics. of Scotland….

17th – 24th of May 2024…


Looks like Amber Roguski appreciates the bone caves as much as we do…



From ‘Right to Roam’….

“Election special!

Dear Roamers,

Unless you’ve been on a really remote hike, you’ll have now heard there’s going to be a General Election on 4th July this year!

That means we have six weeks to put the Right to Roam on the agenda of every party and every candidate - and we need your help.

We’re asking all our supporters to do three things, urgently:


  1. If you haven’t already, please sign & share our petition to party leaders, calling on them to unlock England’s countryside by introducing a right of responsible access. We’re now at 42,000 signatures - we’d love to boost that to 100k before the election!


  1. Write to your local candidates standing for election, urging them to back a right to roam. To find out who’s standing where you live, visit Who Can I Vote For. To make it super-easy, we’ve even drafted a template email and briefing for you to send them - visit our website here to copy, paste & adapt the email and send it to your local candidates.


  1. Join the Right to Roam campaign on the Restore Nature Now march in London on 22nd June. We want greater access to nature so more of us can help care for it - that’s the central message of our new book, Wild Service. So on 22nd June we’ll be marching alongside river guardian groups, birders, ecologists, moss-fanciers, wild swimmers and the big conservation NGOs - and we’d love to see you there too. It’s shaping up to be a huge demonstration, and perfectly timed to influence politicians!

Oh, and if you’ve not registered to vote yet - do so here before the deadline of 18th June!

See you on the streets,

Guy & the Right to Roam team

To follow us on social media:

Twitter: @Right_2Roam
Instagram: right.2roam

Facebook: right2roam

To donate to the campaign:
Click the button below or visit:



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