
The ’Thalassa’…..From RSPB Scotland……From Talbot Rice Gallery…..

by Bernie Bell - 07:41 on 17 May 2024


The ‘Thalassa’…

Wednesday evening….seen passing the Bay of Hinderayre…the tall-ship ‘Thalassa’….brought to mind ‘Frenchman’s Creek’ by Daphne du Maurier.

I don’t usually go for love stories, but that’s an exception……with Aiden Turner as The Frenchman….

Then, Thursday evening,  we watched her leaving Orkney with the wind in her sails…

‘All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by…’  - John Masefield – ‘Sea Fever’



From  RSPB Scotland……

How to listen to birds

Our new podcast mini series is out now. Join host Stephen Magee out and about for tips on how to identify birds by their song.

 Tune in 

Orkney Native Wildlife Project

Our canine colleagues in Orkney are helping eradicate non-native Stoats in a bid to support the incredible wildlife to thrive.

 Find out more

Some romantic news as a Scottish Crane finds love with a mate from Somerset. The pair have set up home in Aberdeenshire, proving love knows no borders!

Read on 

From Reedbed to Roundhouse

The reed from our Tay Reedbeds nature reserve is being used to create a traditional building at the Scottish Crannog Centre. Find out how boosting Scotland's natural and cultural heritage go hand in hand.

Watch the video


From Talbot Rice Gallery….

“Friday Tours are back!

We're delighted to announce the return of our Friday Tours, starting tomorrow! These tours have always been hugely popular and offer a unique opportunity to explore our exhibitions with a wide range of specialists who offer their own insight and perspective... And the best part, it's completely free! Tickets are limited so we recommend you register below to guarantee your place. We hope to see you tomorrow!

Friday Tour | Cathy Dwyer

Fri 17 May, 12:30pm

Free, register for tickets

Professor Cathy Dwyer is Director of the Jeanne Marchig International Centre for Animal Welfare Education at the Royal Dick School of Veterinary Medicine and the Head of the Animal Behaviour and Welfare research group at Scotland’s Rural College. Approahing Candice Lin’s The Animal Husband and selected works from Talbot Rice Residents, Cathy’s tour will provide a framework for considering how we relate to an animal’s treatment, agency and status in different contexts. From the different ways we treat dogs and cats, to the ethical questions about work animals, meat animals and animal experiments it will raise questions about some of the contradictions and dilemma’s surrounding human and non-human interactions and how they intersect with contemporary values.

Friday Tour | Sophia Lycouris

Fri 31 May, 12:30pm

Free, register for tickets

Dr Sophia Lycouris is an academic interested in interdisciplinary research methodologies related to improvisational performance and an artist working with movement, dance and choreography. Exploring the Talbot Rice Residents exhibition, Sophia will talk about ideas from the conceptual history of dance, responding to how certain artworks perform in the gallery. Trying to find that which is visceral – that which you feel, that moves deep within your body – she will look specifically at the work of Alaya Ang, Sekai Machache and Kirsty Russell to consider how their artwork uses movement and acts upon its audiences. Thinking about the subtleties of space, timing, rhythm, scale and affect, this tour will provide a strong, embodied way of encountering exhibitions.

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