
Facebook Creeps….Our Near Relations……Take Action For Rivers….

by Bernie Bell - 09:05 on 05 May 2024

Facebook Creeps….

I had a run-in with a Facebook Creep.  It started with him responding to a post on my FB page asking could he ‘share’ it.  I said yes of course he could

His next communication was the standard spiel telling me how wonderful I am, how illuminating my FB posts are, how he’d sent me ‘friend’ requests with no success, so would I send him one and we could be ‘friends’ etc etc etc.

I looked at his FB and it was a standard creep-offering  too  - nothing of him, very few photos, no ‘friends’.  Usually I ignore, delete and block, but I thought I’d use this one to make a point.  I replied, saying…

“This is disappointing.  I thought you were ‘real’.  It looks like you’re not.  You don’t ‘ring true’, so  - NO – is my answer to your request.  I hadn’t been on Facebook long  when I wrote this, which still stands….


‘I’ve been getting Facebook ‘friend’ requests from people that I don’t know from Adam – no connection whatsoever – those I reject without much compunction.

Some are kind-of linked through people that I know – but…I don’t know them and it’s a tenuous link.

I am a naturally friendly person but I can’t bring myself to click on ‘confirm’ with folk that I really don’t have any connection with at all. To me, it’s all part of the strange un-real world of Facebook.

There was one really creepy one – I suspect he doesn’t actually exist – his Facebook page is all ‘bits’ - nothing of him as a person. I suspect that in a couple of months he’d have asked for money to come to see me. I know someone that happened to – she gave the bloke the elbow at that point.

So, I’m writing this to say that I don’t mean to be un-friendly or rude, but I will only ‘friend’ folk that I at least have some kind of link with/knowledge of. And my use of that word, in that context, shows how very un-real Facebook is!’


I then wrote this, which also still stands…


‘Delete The Creep…..


If they say you’re beautiful

And you know you’re not

Delete the creep


If they’re too effusive

In every way

Delete the creep


If you look at their FB

And it’s just not ‘real’

Delete the creep


Wish them well

Hope they become a better person

But meanwhile


Delete the creep

BB March ‘23’


Later, I went to show Mike the exchange and it had disappeared!  Looks like the creep had been alerted that he’d got a reply, thought… ‘A-ha, I’ve hooked one’ then found that I was calling him out as a creep and saved me the trouble by deleting himself!

I then blocked him from making further contact.


It’s disturbing to know that they’re out there attempting to prey on people who are looking for companionship and possible romance.  They present themselves in a way to be appealing – tho’, in my case they get it stupendously wrong as I have no interest in flash cars and the other trappings of ‘success’! 

I wonder why they don’t put the same effort into getting an honest job and earning some money instead of trying to con. people.

I’m reminded of the character in Kurt Vonnegut’s  ‘Galapagos’ who preys on women, gets their money and then disappears.  It’s not just for the money – he likes the feeling that he has power over them and can manipulate them to his will – he likes to ‘play’ with them.

If this is some element of the psyche of the Facebook Creep, what is amiss in their psyche that they have a need to feel that way about themselves in relation to others?

Mike likened it to Moriarty in the Sherlock Holmes stories of Arthur Conan Doyle.  Moriarty sees himself as being above the common herd, who deserve to be used for his aggrandisement.  Why does he need to feel that way?  There are definitely people who are vastly more intelligent or ‘clever’ than most, but many of them accept that as how they are, whilst recognizing the value of other abilities in other people.

The ones who need to manipulate others to make themselves feel that they are ‘somebody’ – well, they must have a big hole in their sense of self.

Maybe it’s un-kind to dismiss them as creeps, but they are behaving like creeps and harming people by doing so.

I feel that I’ve called out a creep, and sent him running.  I had meant to leave the exchange there, on my FB page, for folk to read as a warning – he deleted it, so I thought I’d write this instead.

They may be crippled inside, but that’s no excuse for doing harm.

I call them out and send them running – hopefully to a good therapist.



Our Near Relations….


And how do we treat them?  We put them in zoos – where they show how clever they are by repeatedly escaping……



Take Action For Rivers….


For if the Tweet disappears….



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