
Books in Books – on-going again….Covid Is A Cruel Thing….

by Bernie Bell - 10:31 on 26 February 2024


Books in Books – on-going again….

George Orwell wrote 1984 while living on the island of Jura.  I’ll quote Roger Deakin again…….

“The Western Isles were also where the Celtic saints retreated to hear the voice of God in the silence.  Orwell, writing his prophetic novel about politics and the human soul, needed somewhere silent ot hear himself think his own special brand of common sense.”

Here’s my view of George Orwell’s vison.   I read a book by Doris Stokes….


…..in which she was contacted by George Orwell.  He explained that he could see the future, and his way of sharing what he saw was to write - including 1984.  An awful lot of what he writes of has started to happen in recent decades. 

I was interested to see that he didn’t present this as being simply an idea he had – but as information that he was given.

Roger writes of his own reason for going there – to investigate the possibility of swimming the Gulf of Corryvreckan  - avoiding the whirlpool!  When I read that I thought he must be mad – and was surprised that someone with such an understanding of the power of water would even contemplate attempting such a thing. 

How he describes the Gulf of Corryvreckan as he approached it, confirmed me in my opinion.  I’ll quote him again…

“What no navigation guide could communicate is the deeply unsettling atmosphere of the place, the intense physical presence of the whirlpool and the scale of the turbulence.”

As it turned out - he didn’t do the swim – you’ll need to read ‘Waterlog’ to find out why.

A few years ago I had an exchange with Dr. Mark Cooper of the University of Washington, Seattle, about the possible significance  the Corryvreckan whirlpool might have had for the ancient peoples of what are now known as Scotland and Ireland.

It started when Mark sent me the following Youtube video…


and accompanying text….

 “This whirlpool complex makes patterns that match the motifs at Newgrange and Knowth.

The Ancient Irish Pharaohs that constructed Newgrange, Knowth, and Dowth, may have commissioned the best artists of the time to visit the South Shore of Scarba, to witness the primordial forces (Mojo) that occur there.  Then artistically express that physical Mojo, in spirals of the Entrance Stone to Newgrange, as well as on the Knowth Macehead.

Essentially, saying: "May the Earth and Sky Forces be with you”.


 “The Neolithic Artists who carved the Westray Stone (c. 3000 BCE), apparently understood whirlpools as well as Leonardo da Vinci (c. 1500 CE).

Note the nodes (dots) at the center of each vortex core, as well as the center of each upwelling (radiating chevrons).

The Neolithic Orcadian Artists understood stationary-points (nodes), in a turbulent vortex-field, and found a way to graphically represent this dynamical concept in carved stone.”

I pointed out that - to carve the shapes - the whirlpool would need to be seen from above – the form of many ancient sites becomes clearer when viewed from above – Callanish being one of them.  How, in those times?  I don’t know!

Mark’s response was……

“The Whirlpool Complex of the Corryvreckan can be viewed from the cliffs on the southern side of Scarba.   I call this area the "Sacred Cove", because the whirlpool complex patterns match so well with the motifs in Newgrange and Knowth.

I have thought about whether Scarba was a Sacred Island for the People of Neolithic Ireland. Lots of Mojo to be found there:  Whirlpool and Giant Standing Waves, which roar.”

I can picture the ancient people standing on the nearby cliffs, watching as their Elders/Priests cast rafts holding the bodies of their kin onto the waves, to be sucked down into the whirlpool - a direct portal to the Underworld.

There was more – but that exchange gives enough to set you off looking into it, if you choose to!


Covid Is A Cruel Thing….


Covid is a cruel thing

I haven’t seen Mike’s face

For six days.


When I’m in the room

He wears a mask

I can only see his eyes.


His eyes are sad and weary

And I can’t hug him better.

Covid is a cruel thing.


This time next week it will be gone

Mike will be well

And we will hug each other!


BB February ‘24



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