
BBC Pics of Scotland…...From ‘Free Tibet’….. Exactly What It Says On The Tin…..

by Bernie Bell - 09:20 on 27 January 2024


BBC Pics of Scotland….

19th – 26th January 2024…


Orkney again – Jonathan Ford’s Great-northern Diver ‘snapped’ in Papa Westray – fiiiine birds.

Not Great-northern, but Red-throated….


I reckon the BBC Pics of Scotland will entice more visitors to Orkney –  A GOOD THING – except when they come in their thousands - on the same day - on massive cruise ships!!!! GGGGRRRRR!!!!!


From ‘Free Tibet’…..

“Finally, some justice for Tibet!

After years of advocacy and human rights monitoring, everything came together at the UN yesterday in a breakthrough moment for Tibet. From Australia to the USA, via Ireland and the UK, a record number of countries confronted the Chinese government over its policies in Tibet. 

Take me to the news story >>

The forum - China’s Universal Periodic Review - only comes around every five years, but  21 UN member states seized the opportunity and used their limited time to speak up for Tibet, a staggering increase from previous years. Some of the countries that raised Tibet were doing so for the first time at the UPR,  including Estonia, Japan, Lithuania, Montenegro and Norway.

Between them, they issued 25 clear, decisive recommendations to China. Urging it to end its mass surveillance, harassment of human rights defenders, interference in Tibetan Buddhism and colonial boarding school programme, which has separated an estimated one million Tibetan children from their families.

21 Member States spoke up abut Tibet, including Estonia, Japan, Lithuania, Montenegro, and Norway.

25 recommendations were made to China, urging an end to mass surveillance, harassment of human rights defenders, and the colonial boarding school system.

Read the recommendations >>

This is more than double from China’s last UPR in 2018, which saw nine states produce eleven recommendations. 

The dramatic increase in the number of states confronting the Chinese government over Tibet is something to celebrate, but it also reflects the devastating decline in the human rights situation inside Tibet. Tibet needs more support, and these recommendations must be followed up with action. We will celebrate and then get back to work to make that happen.

Thank you to all the Free Tibet supporters who joined us on the journey to this breakthrough. This includes the thousands of you that signed our call to Foreign Ministers around the world to speak up for Tibet and those of you who donated so we could do important advocacy work, presenting key information on Tibet to embassies and the UK Foreign Office. All of you played your part in making this one of the most impactful days for Tibet at the UN. So far…

I'll share the news >>


Exactly What It Says On The Tin…..



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