
Another Mysterious Find…..‘A Land’ by Jacquetta Hawkes….Pics. of Scotland…..

by Bernie Bell - 08:14 on 01 July 2023


Another Mysterious Find…

…at The Cairns.  Katie Joss was there, and tells the tale……


Why cut the horns off?   My mind immediately leapt to a mask/head-dress……


Mebbe ???

Since our visit to The Cairns earlier this week I’ve been mulling over various things – one being part of a conversation with Ole and a couple of the folk on the tour.  We were picturing the Broch folk sitting round the hearth – talking.  But what language did they speak?  Did it sound harsh, or soft?  It’s completely lost to us.

To paraphrase the school-days rhyme which begins   ‘Latin is a dead language…’


'The Broch-folk spoke

A dead language

As dead

As dead can be

It didn’t just

Fall out of use

It simply ceased to be.'


As suggested by one lady on the tour – maybe a root of the Celtic languages – Scots, Irish and Welsh?  Hard to have much idea, as there’s no trace of it – no writing which could be de-cyphered.  Maybe that’s yet to be found – and recognized for what it is…



‘A Land’ by Jacquetta Hawkes….

We have a copy of ‘A Land’ by Jacquetta Hawkes which we’ve had for so long that we have no memory of when or where we bought it.  On the back page there’s a stamp which says ‘Stroud High School Library’ so presumably we bought it in a charity shop when we lived near Stroud, Gloucestershire, over 30 years ago.

It’s a nice hard-back edition with illustrations by Henry Moore – so why haven’t I been tempted to read it before now?  No idea.

The Preface immediately caught my interest – and I quote…

“In this book I have used the findings of the two sciences of geology and archaeology for purposes altogether unscientific.  I have tried to use them evocatively, and the image I have sought to evoke in of an entity, the land of Britain, in which past and present, nature, man and art appear all in one piece.”

I thought – this is a woman after my own heart, and so I stepped into Jacquetta Hawkes’ land.

Rather than go into details of what she writes, I’ll just thoroughly recommend this as a very good book to read for many reasons.  Her subject matter - and her approach to it - are Universal.


Pics. of Scotland…..

…23rd to 30th of June 2023….


Including a new take on Snail Mail from Alison Lewis.

Kelly MacLean might like the Orkney jellyfish….



Here’s one I made earlier…. https://theorkneynews.scot/2021/04/29/we-return-to-the-orphir-hills/


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