by Bernie Bell - 09:38 on 25 May 2023
Make your views known about the future of the Tomb of the Eagles….
Here are some of my past ramblings about the place I refer to as The Eagle Cairn…
Jim Crumley’s response to the Cairn as described here….
…very much chimes with me.
Last Sunday we saw an eagle flying over our garden…..
……and I wondered about the possible meaning of seeing an eagle, and also how long it might be before an eagle is seen flying over the Ness of Brodgar again, or even over the Eagle Cairn?
And now - there are moves afoot to see what the Cairn means to folk.
Like Steve Miller says in ‘Fly like an Eagle…’
“Time keeps on slippin’ into the future….”
I sent the survey to all on my email address list who might be interested, and I had a reply from a chap who, some years ago, asked permission to use one of my photos of the Memorial Stone to Ronnie & Morgan Simison which is by the Eagle Cairn, on the cover of a C.D. he was making. Of course I said he was very welcome to.
The point of this addendum is….his answer was that he’ll be happy to take part, and added that he’s …”Currently walking part of the Via Francigina from Lucca to Sienna”
I ‘Googled’ Via Francigina from Lucca to Sienna – which looks absolutely lovely….
I replied that I hoped that, in the cool of the evening, he’d fill in the survey and think of Orkney!
And, of course, I thought of the St. Magnus Way….
Here’s one I made earlier…
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