
The Crantit Trail…… From ‘Emergence’ Magazine…. Stop The Sewage!...

by Bernie Bell - 09:32 on 16 May 2023


The Crantit Trail……

We’ve driven past the Crantit Trail many times on the way to Scapa beach - but we’d never walked there.

This includes a map showing the position of the Trail..... 


As we’re both what the Aussies might refer to as a bit ‘crook’ at the moment we’re looking for short, easy walks, and that looked like it would fit the bill. So, on a fine May day – sunshine and scattered showers with a skittery sort of wind, we went for it.

Parking in the small car park just off what we think of as the Balfour roundabout we crossed the road to the beginning of the path, with a very seasonal sight to our right - Willows in fresh new leaf, Flag-irises shaping to up to flower, and a Fern, unfurling…..

Along the path, looking across to our right – a pool with a pair of swans nesting, and a heron on guard…

As I was taking the photo, a woman walking by stopped to tell us that the water from the pool is piped across and up the hill to the Highland Park distillery with its distinctive 'pagoda' roof…


Marsh marigolds in the ditches…

…and lambs in the field….

At the end of the trail we turned right, onto the tarmac road to Scapa Beach...

...to view our second distillery of the day – Scapa - where a new tasting room was opened recently… https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2023/03/scapa-distillery-unveils-tasting-room/ ....

We walked along to the pier…..

Then back along the beach across an alien landscape – or should that be seascape?  Either way - it’s weird…


In the loo by the Bay – a warning sign…..

Maybe I should turn to ‘Orkneyjar’ for an explanation of  ‘blackenings’….


And maybe I should explain ‘clarted’ – which means smeared.  Sometimes I can’t see clearly because my glasses are clarty – smeary.  Another good Scots word, like dreich – which describes the situation perfectly.

Back to the Trail, and a sign for the St. Magnus Way…

https://www.stmagnusway.com/  …..

….with St. Magnus Cathedral and the Balfour Hospital in the background – both places of Healing.


From ‘Emergence’ Magazine….

A Primordial Covenant of Relationship

A Talk by Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee

“This talk given by Emergence founder Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee at St. Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace in London in November last year is now available on our website alongside a transcript. Speaking about what it looks like to live in an unfolding apocalyptic reality, he reminds us of the ancient, primordial covenant of relationship with the living world that can give us a ground to stand on, and the sacred nature of creation that is always there, waiting for us to return to it.”



Stop The Sewage!...

From Matt Staniek…

“GET MAY 29th in your diary !!!

Save Windermere is holding a free event on the Glebe in Bowness-on-Windermere for you to come and add your voice to the very simple message to United Utilities: Stop the sewage!

Have you seen the line-up? ➡️➡️ Steve Coogan, Joe Lycett, Lee Mack, and Paul Whitehouse are all adding their voices to help save our lake.

Share with your friends, family, anyone below whom you think needs to see this, and please head to our new website and find out how you can join the fight to Save Windermere.”



Here’s one I made earlier… https://theorkneynews.scot/2021/06/16/george-mackay-brown/

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