
Neolithic Colour….Loch of Wasdale ….. Litter….

by Bernie Bell - 08:19 on 02 May 2023


Neolithic Colour…

For a long time what’s labelled as ‘Pre-history’ was thought of as being a grim time – each human life was seen as being short and brutish.  Discoveries at the Ness of Brodgar and The Cairns in South Ronaldsay – among other places – have turned that view on its head – and the turning is still taking place….



Both digs will resume this summer…




Loch of Wasdale …

This was an interesting read…


We’ve walked along by the Loch of Wasdale many times – were aware of the ruin on the little islet and the different interpretations put on it, and wondered about the ‘collection’ of old vehicles up from the right bank – there are some classics there.  Archaeology of the future?

This piece by Sigurd introduced me to sites of interest which I hadn’t been aware of.  There always more to learn.

Here’s my tuppenceworth about Wasdale–




In last week’s ‘Orcadian’, Dave Walker wrote a witty and pertinent letter about the rubbish which litters the verges of Orkney.  He’s right – it’s getting worse.

I hope he doesn’t mind if I quote him….

“Who wouldn’t be enlivened by the birdsong, the fresh air, the sun glinting off the bottles, both plastic and glass, not forgetting the drinks cans, littering the verges of these fair isles?

There is even a splash of colour now with the pastel shades of disposable vapes catching the  eye.”

And then, on Sunday, I read the following poem in Bartholomew Barker’s blog …. ‘great minds’ and all that……

Glymphatic Poetry

I carry a bag on my walks
to collect the trash
left by my fellow swine.

Plastic and aluminum spark
like jewels by the side of the road—
water bottle diamonds,
rubies, emeralds, sapphires
depending upon the brand—

A never-ending cascade
of glittering garbage.

In the same way dreams
clear the brain of detritus,
this is the job of the poet.

Bartholomew Barker

It’s not just the job of the poet though – is it?

I remember a public information ad. that used to be the telly which began……

Litter litter everywhere,

It gets in your face,

It gets in your hair.

Why spoil the beauty of our country walks,

With” …something something something

It was a long time ago - I can’t remember the rest – couldn’t find it on ‘Google' – but did find this……




I received the following from Kilmorack Gallery https://www.kilmorackgallery.co.uk/  

Concrete and Steel or nature

The Dewilding of the Glens

Kilmorack Gallery gives its full support to all fights to save communities and nature from the current very real threat that will denature the Highlands forever. Hundreds of miles of giant pylons, substations and windfarms are planned over the next few years, and Scotland already produces enough renewable energy to meet its twenty-year target. They are just not needed. This area, which is famed for its wild beauty, may soon lose all its charms. There are similarities with the clearances and the squandering of oil revenues.

CommunitiesB4pylons has an active facebook page and website with a donations button. It is important that everyone does something to create a better future, one which is shaped by people not the greed of large companies


Here’s one I made earlier…. https://theorkneynews.scot/2020/12/20/time-lines/



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